Week 3 - The Comic Strip

Winsor McCay's Little Nemo, George Herriman's Krazy Kat, and Charles Schulz's Peanuts are popular comic news strips. Comic strips can be about a page long or can be a series of pages creating a short story.

While reading these comics, especially Little Nemo, I was interested in the detailed and colorful illustrations. Because of the detail and color, the speech bubbles got lost as they were overpowered by the illustrations. However, I noticed that the speech bubbles were small and didn't have much text like other comic strips I have seen. This shows that the words weren't given much importance as the illustrations were the main focus. Thus, it is easy to overlook the text. 

Overall, I enjoyed reading each comic strip and seeing the differences in illustrations, style and story. I was able to actually see the appeal of the comic strip and may explore more on my own now.


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